I find teaching and mentoring challenging, but very rewarding. Here are courses where I have served as principal instructor. I also served as course coordinator for Calculus II at Smith College.
Discrete Structures, Reed College, Spring 2023
Vector Calculus, Reed College, Spring 2023
Discrete Structures, Reed College, Spring 2023
Introduction to Analysis, Reed College, Fall 2022
Topics in Abstract Algebra (Representation Theory), Reed College, Fall 2022
Calculus III, Colgate University, Fall 2021
Calculus II, Colgate University, Fall 2021
Introduction to Measure Theory, Smith College, Spring 2021
Introduction to Modern Algebra, Smith College, Spring 2021
Calculus II, Smith College, Spring 2020
Calculus II, Smith College, Fall 2020
Quantum Group Theory (Special Studies), Smith College, Fall 2020
Graph Theory, Smith College, Spring 2020
Calculus II, Smith College, Spring 2020
Honors Project, Smith College, Spring 2020
Multivariable Calculus, Smith College, Fall 2019
Calculus II, Smith College, Fall 2019
Quantum Cryptography (Special Studies), Smith College, Fall 2019
Topics in Abstract Algebra, Smith College, Spring 2019
Introduction to Modern Algebra, Smith College, Spring 2019
Calculus I, Smith College, Fall 2018
Discrete Mathematical Structures, University of Missouri, Spring 2018
Calculus III, University of Missouri, Spring 2018
The Theory of Numbers, University of Missouri, Fall 2017
Discrete Mathematical Structures, University of Missouri, Fall 2017
Calculus III, University of Missouri, Spring 2017
Higher Algebra, University of Missouri, Fall 2016
Discrete Mathematical Structures, University of Missouri, Fall 2016
Matrix Theory, University of Missouri, Spring 2016
Calculus III, University of Missouri, Fall 2015
Calculus I, University of Iowa, Fall 2014
Elementary Functions, University of Iowa, Spring 2013
Finite Mathematics, Indiana University, Fall 2005
I am also very much enjoy mentoring students in research. Last year I was principle director of Wenqin Chen's honors thesis at Smith, which earned the distinction "Highest Honors." The previous year, I directed Ojaswi Acharya, Stella Li and Jasmine Noory in a research project which ultimately became the paper "Tracking the variety of interleavings." On my postdoc, I wrote two papers with Killian Meehan while he was a grad student at Mizzou. I also directed Katelyn Gutteridge's Masters thesis.
Oliver Mansbach, BA (expected Spring 2023), Reed College
Scott Blair, BA (expected 2023), Reed College
Wenqin Chen, AB, Smith College
Ojaswi Acharya, AB, Smith College
Stella Li, AB, Smith College
Jasmine Noory, Postbacc, Smith College
Killian Meehan, PhD, University of Missouri
Katelyn Gutteridge, MA, University of Missouri
I also like organizing conferences. Here's some conferences and seminars that I've helped with.
Hudson River Undergraduate Math Conference (HRUMC), Keene State College (virtual conference), co- organizer, April 2021
Women in Mathematics in New England (WIMIN), Smith College (virtual conference), co-organizer, October 2020
HRUMC, Mount Holyoke College, co-organizer, March 2020 (canceled due to COVID-19)
HRUMC, Smith College, co-organizer and local organizer, March 2019
Topological Data Analysis Reading Group, Smith College, co-organizer, Fall 2018
Fifth Conference on Geometric Methods in Representation Theory, University of Iowa, co-organizer,
November 2017
Fourth Conference on Geometric Methods in Representation Theory, University of Missouri, co-organizer, November 2016
Representation Theory of Algebras Reading Seminar, University of Missouri, organizer Fall 2015-2016
Graduate Student Group Representation/Group Cohomology Seminar, University of Iowa, founder 2011, organizer 2011-2015